Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Subject: Baptisms and No Baptisms... or maybe baptisms?

So first of all I have to tell you new news that I just found out because we have a rule in our mission that I was unaware of in the past (sorry mom and dad you are going to be working a little bit more because of this rule) I need to be writing friends through you, mom and dad, and receiving letters from my friends through you, mom and dad. So From now on I will be writing everything to you and then you can send it to my friends and that all of my wonderful friends who are amazing and supporting me are going to have to write back to my parents and then my parents will send it to me.. haha a long process, but oh well :)

Now... what do I mean by baptisms and no baptisms... well I got a really interesting call from Elder Forsyth last night. Sasha, the baptism that is supposed to happen this Saturday, is on the run again!!! Haha this is his fourth baptismal date! Although, this is the closest that he has ever gotten to it! So... Elder Forsyth started explaining to me the situation of how he came to General Conference last week (ya we only had General Conference last week) and then left without saying goodbye which was weird. Then the Elders were able to set up a time for the intereview and then he didn't come and they set up another time for him and then he didn't come and now they can't get a hold of him! So... basically this whole conversation I am sitting there and half of me is not surprised because hey this has happened to us two or three times already with him and the other half is just thinking what the DUCE is going on here! So this lead me to think that obviously the baptism is not going down like we wanted.. and then Elder Forsyth gets on facebook and starts reading Sasha's messages to his friends where he is talking about how his life is going to change on the 23rd of April and he is going to be a new person in the Lord... and his friends were asking questions and he was explaining how he was going to change... and these were recent messages. So... what do I think now? Baptism or No baptism? That is the question... and no one knows the answer except Sasha whom we cannot get in contact with!!

So on the other side of Russia in Voronesh we have some good news!! We are seeing a lot of miracles here! We have one baptismal date with an great investigators whose name is Pavel! ***** The latest news about Sasha! I just got a call from Elder Forsyth and I guess Sasha is going to get baptized!?!? He wrote to all of his friends yesterday on facebook that He is going to change because he is going to be baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! So.. now I guess that means that he is going to get baptized... we just still can't get a hold of him on the phone and he hasn't been interviewed but from what he says on facebook he is still on for the baptism!!***** Anyways, Pavel is awesome! To be honest when we set the baptismal date with him we were not planning on it.. we just want to talk about the difference between spiritual and mental understanding and the spirit was just so strong! He talked about his feelings when he meets with us and comes to church and the joy and peace that he feels with us and with the members! Before this moment all he talked about was how he understood everything and how it made sense, but he never explained his feelings. So when he started explaining his feelings we were able to testify of the Holy Ghost and then commit him to baptism and he accepted!!! But... that is not all... a few days ago he brought his friends to us who is also interested in learning about our church and this friend has a family!! Biggity biggity boo ya!! Our lesson went amazing with the friend, his name is Gyorgi or in englsih George, and we have a second lesson with him today! Pavel is preaching the gospel to all of his friends and wants us to meet two more of his friends! That is how the church grows right there! Nothing is better than friends inviting friends because there is instant support! We really had so many amazing lessons this past week with so many amazing people and the members here came and supported us and participated on the lessons... but I can't tell you all of the experiences that would take way too long!

So.. just a little more information if you didn't know this past week was NEW YEARS in Cambodia! Happy New Years for CAMBODIA! We have two less actives that Elder Borodin, my new companion, and I found from Cambodia and they invited us to a New Years Party this past week. It was hilarious! (To be honest KJ I felt like I was in Japan because everyone looked Japanese and they were all Karyoke-ing it up!) They had some interesting food and weird singing and dancing haha but it was awesome and we were able to meet a lot of awesome people there!

Well, a lot has been happening! I love you all! Remember who you are!

Elder Weihing :)

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