Monday, November 15, 2010

Grandpa Bailey

Early on Monday morning November 15, 2010, Kenneth Rone Bailey (grandpa) passed away. Kenneth is named after his grandpa and was even born a day after his grandpa's birthday. Kenneth had a very close relationship with his grandpa and will miss him very much. We are all so grateful that families can be together forever!

From Dad about Grandpa Bailey

This experience has been a testimony builder for me knowing that God really does live and knows the feelings of our hearts. We finally emailed Elder Weihing telling him of Grandpa Baileys medical condition. He was very close to his grandfather and talked about doing things together when he returned home. Many of his family came to visit him yesterday prior to his passing. He passed 11/15/10 sometime between 12 a.m. and 2 a.m. Note that this email was sent to Kenneth Rone Bailey at 12:24 a.m. I'm sure an added angel from Heaven will now help in Moscow, Russia. We are comforted that someone will be helping him.
--Kam (Dad)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thank you for the letter about Grandpa. I am really glad that you told me finally. I sent him a letter that I would like you to read to him. It was hard because I really didn't know what to say, I took about and hour and a half to write it. Of course it is really hard for me to take that grandpa is going to move on soon but I know that things will be better on the other side for him and I know that I will see him again someday. Just tell him how much I love him. He is my best friend.

So, other than that I don't really have much news for the week. We just worked and worked. We are really busy especially with the Forsyths here. We have to help them out a lot with getting acquainted with everything. They have been a great help already and can't imagine how much more success we are going to have with them. We will probably be setting 2 dates of baptisms and having 2 baptisms within the month. This areas has been dead for the past year and a half and if we can get 2 baptisms it will be a miracle! We have a goal to get at least one by the end of the year. We have been working hard and I know that the Lord will reward us for our commitment and dedication. Well, Thanksgiving is coming up! I hope you all enjoy it! I think we will be having a small one ourselves with the Forsyths and some investigators and member! Thanks for the love and support. I love you! Remember who you are!

Elder Weihing
я вас люблю

To Grandpa

Monday, November 15, 2010

To My Best Friend whom I will always love and never forget!

Mom and Dad finally gave me the update about you today. It seems like we wont be having another root beer float together or eating KFC. I'll make you a deal... I will work 5 times for free if... no I am just kidding. I am not going to tell you that I am not sad, I have been sitting in the internet cafe crying my way through these letters and my companion is just staring at me thinking I have gone mad or something. Grandpa, I really just want to tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me! The hard part is that I don't know how I can explain that in words. I pray that you will just feel it. You are, have been, and always will be my best friend! I carry your name! I grew up with you and learned almost everything I know from you! I learned hard work and how to be stubborn!
I think about you everyday grandpa. I know that I will probably not get to see you again in this life and I just want to say thank you for all that you have done for me! You are my greatest example and I hope that I can carry our name worthily and become half of the man that you are! I love you so much and don't even know what else to say. I do miss you and I will always miss you. I know that you will be with me always. I will try so hard to make you proud. Thank you again and I love you so much!

Elder Kenneth Rone Weihing

Monday, November 8, 2010

Subject: Hello Family

It's only been a few days since I last sent a letter, President Wooley changed P-Day from Thursday to Monday no I will be writing home every Monday!

The past few days Elder Smith and I have been in Moscow for Zone conference, Zone Leadership Council, and for elder Smith to do a Visa Trip. It was the first time that I have been on my mission when I have been at a Zone Conference with all of the missionaries there! (Usually Zone Conference is just given to a few Zones at a time at different times throughout the transfer) It was so cool to see the whole mission! I got to see Elder Nutt and Elder Bybee and all of my good friends. At Zone Conference we talked a lot about different ways of contacting and about Agency. Zone Conference is always a good source of inspiration to keep you going for the next transfer!!

Well we now have an Elder Couple serving in Yaroslavl! Yay! They are awesome! Their name is Forsyth and they are from some city in Washington. They are a very young Elderly Couple about 50 years old and are very active and excited to be here! It has been crazy having them here for the past two days because they obviously have no idea what is going on or where anything is so we have had to be with them every step of the way. Today we are going to bee looking for an apartment for them. Yesterday was a very tiring day with them because I had to translate for them for 4 strait hours and no break! Talk about an intense migraine!

Unfortunately we have only been traveling since we last talked so we have not really met with any investigators so there is no new updates with them. But, the Forsyth's have some great ideas for getting the fire going in this city! Elder Forsyth went to Venezuela on his mission and was there right went amazing things started happening and missionary work started going crazy and he has brought some fire here to Russia and is excited to add to the work. We are excited to have them and I can't wait to see what cool things we come up with! Haha our new motto that he has taken from Gordon B. Hinckley is, "Maybe it is impossible, but we are going to do it anyways!" Haha I think that is a good inspirational motto.

Well I hope you have a great week and I will talk to you next Monday! :) Remember who you are!

Elder Weihing

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Subject: Happy Halloween from Russia!
Wow what a week! It started out with the Talent Show... it went great! We had around 30 people show up, which the Branch President couldn't believe, and everyone loved it! Elder Smith and I did a lot of crazy weird talents which made it a lot of fun and a lot of other people participated. I have some video of it all and maybe a few pictures so I will see what I can do to get it all on a disk and sent out to you! This was our Halloween celebration! I hope you guys had a lot of fun on Halloween too!

The day after the Talent Show we went out to one of our three cities that we are over, Ribinsk, and did the first ever English Club there. Not many people came, but after the English Club we were able to teach a few lessons to a few people interested and now we have two new investigators and two new potential investigators. One of the new investigators, Olessa, is very interested and even traveled an hour and a half away just to come to church on Sunday and see what we are all about. She is really interested!

On Sunday Elder Smith and I were able to teach a lesson and then we committed all of the members to start a 40 day fast with us about missionary work. They have done this in other missions and it has been very productive. What we do is we take for days and one members a day fasts for missionary work. Well, since we don't have may members each member will probably fast about 2 or three times, but it will be a great help I think! We set good goals on the fast and now we have things to shoot for.

Sunday night we left for Tver to go on splits and do a baptismal interview there. Haha, when we got to Tver Elder Smith was sick and he couldn't do any work so I went on splits with the missionaries. It was a fun time and I was able to see one of my friends from Kazakhstan who just barley got transferred back to Russia. Well Monday night we left and traveled all night through Moscow and then we got back on Tuesday.

Haha so now we have been in Yaroslavl for two days and we cram packed those two days full of lessons with all of our investigators because tomorrow or maybe even tonight we have to go back to Moscow because we have Zone Conference and then Saturday Elder Smith has a Visa trip and then Sunday we get a new Elderly Couple that is going to be coming to Yaroslavl with us! Wow what a week! A lot of traveling! I hope things settle down soon so we can get some real work done IN OUR OWN CITY!

Well I love you all! Remember who you are and thank you for all of the love and support!

Elder Weihing :)