Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Subject: Hey Family

Another week in Mother Russia has come and gone! Since being in Russian I have seen a lot of really interesting things. It truly is remarkable how much of our time is wasted running into drunk people. You never know what you are going to see or happen!

Yaroslavl is great! It is getting really cold really fast! Snow is going to be here within the week I think.
We had a really good lesson with the family that we are teaching, Vladimir and Irina. They have a ton of questions and doubt and so we are working really hard to figure those out with them. This week was a big subject for them! Adam and Eve! A lot of people, at least here in Russia, have a big problem with 2 Nephi 2. Here it talks about opposition in all things is necessary and it talks about Adam and Eve falling was according the plan of God. They have argued and argued with past missionaries about this subject for a long time. So, what I did is get all ready with examples from the Bible. There are many verses that talk about evil and it's existence before the world. It talks about opposition in all things all over in the Bible. So, in short, we read the examples, gave examples and just talked. It was an amazing discussion! They talked about God and him only being good and we agreed with that. They talked about how he created Satan so how could he create something evil. We went back to evil always being there and about how God gives us free agency so Satan chose to be evil, God did not create him evil. In short, we had a very long discussion and then just testified over and over again bringing the spirit into the room. In the end, they couldn't argue with us because we answered every question and Vladimir even said that he is now starting to believe what we have to say! Wow! What an amazing experience! What confidence and knowledge we carry knowing that the spirit will always tell us what to say if we will just be patient and listen and prepare like we should!

So, this is the weird story of the week. Last week a referral was given to us from another city so we went out to find this lady a few days ago. When we got to her house she wasn't there so we just left our information and left. Well, yesterday I got a phone call from a screaming lady telling her that she doesn't want to come to church and that she doesn't want free help with english and all of this crazy stuff and I didn't really understand who it was or what the problem was. I thought that we had just run into her on the street and given her a free invitation, aka I was confused and just kept laughing and saying "It's ok you don't have to come to anything we just gave you an invitation and did sign a written agreement or anything." She got really mad and just yelled and hung up the phone. So, later last night Elder Smith gets a call from the police. Apparently, the lady was scared to death to leave her house because she was afraid that we were following her. So then it all clicked and I understood who had called me earlier that day and so we told the police that we wouldn't bother the lady and that was that. Just a random crazy experience this week. Other than that not too much is going on... we are just working on finding and organizing activities. Elder Smith and I are going to be doing some wacky talents for the talent show coming up. It is going to be pretty fun! Not too much else is going on! We have English Club with about 20 people coming regularly and a Catholic Priest approached us afterward and wants to start taking the lessons from us so that is cool.

I love you all and am grateful for your prayers and letters! You are the best! Remember who you are!

Elder Weihing :)

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