Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Subject: Finally in Russia!

Finally in Mother Russia! Well, it has been crazy like always! I got to Yaroslavl on Monday night, we worked in Yaroslavl on Tuesday (which was mainly working with my passport and registration in the city), then Wednesday we woke up really early and left for Moscow where we had a Zone Leaders Council from the Area 70 President Lawrence, and then on Thursday (yesterday) was Zone Conference in Moscow by Elder Lawrence and his wife, and we just got back into town late last night! Crazy nights of no sleep on the train and airplane and nonstop traveling! Russia is a blast! :)

Zone Conference was amazing! We talked about the real future of missionary work, through the members and less actives. We all new that was the best way to do missionary work, but it just took an Area 70 to tell us to get us to start doing it! He also talked about a five step process of exercising faith that I really liked. 1) Have a righteous desire 2)Plead your case with the Lord 3) Bargain with the Lord 4) Expect trials and set backs and 5) DO WORK! I can't wait to start applying these principle to missionary work and to my own personal goals and see what happens. Sister Lawrence is a Scripture Scholar and she had a very interesting talk about The Children of Israel and what it really means to be apart of it. I never really thought about it, embarrassingly enough, but not everyone on the Earth is a Child of Israel, there are the Gentiles! To be apart of these chosen people shows that we were defenders of the faith before this life and it means we are apart of a select few. In fact, we are the best of the best of Gods children! why? God has created many many planets even before he created ours. He has many many children besides those on this planet. And yet, this planet is the most evil and wicked! Why? Because Satan, The Dark Angel, was sent here who is the father of all evil. We are so evil that we even killed our own creator! But, to have the most evil people means that you also have to send the most righteous! We are the front lines and are the most righteous! It was a very inspiring thing for me to think about, that we are part of the brightest of God's Children. We are the chosen ones and were chosen from the beginning because of our faith. Haha sorry I didn't mean to go on preaching and stuff.. it was just really cool realization for me.:)

So, now me and my companion are back in Yaroslavl and can get to work1 My companion is great, he is a fun loving missionary which will make service in a two man city much easier! He has a good desire to work and I feel like we can get a lot done together. Haha I really wish you guys could meet him because he is just crazy and so random, he literally never stops talking and has an endless list of stories to tell. He is from He is from Vernal, Utah and was a sheltered child and is now free so things are fun and crazy!

Well I appreciate the letters and prayers! Thanks for everything! I love you! Remember who you are! All of my letters and packages should go to Moscow now, so I will have to find the address and then I will e-mail it to you! :)

Elder Weihing

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