Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Subject: Hello Family :)

Every letter will probably start out the same but that is because it is true.. another amazing week on the mission! :)
Well this is my new e mail address
Anyways things have been great! The week started off great because in the local branch here we had to missionaries come home! that brought a lot of fire to the ward and to all of the missionaries. One of the missionaries who came home is amazing! His name is Max and right when he got home he called us and asked how he could help us... haha so we have been having him present in our lessons to have member support and he has really been helping because he has such an amazing ability to teach! His own conversion story along with his families is really interesting as well... Max and his family were all really strong Muslims and they spoke very little russian actually. They mostly speak Kazak. But, when they started meeting with the missionaries they had a different feeling about our church and they learned russian just so that they could read the BOM because it is now written in Kazak yet. So, he learned Russian to do that and then got baptized, went on a mission, and now knows perfect english too. He has only been a member for six years and is amazing! The funniest part is that he still considers himself Muslim... he says he is Muslims by culture lol he just believes in a little bit more... so I think that is really cool! He is an amazing person!
We had him on one particular lesson this week which was really amazing! We teach this 17 year old kid named Danyar and his is a really cool kid. We play sports with him and have a lot of fun teaching him english. We have started teaching him the gospel and he hasn't turned us away or anything so now we always teach him as much gospel as we have time for. But we invited Max on the lesson to show him that it wasn't just us and that there were young people who are really cool in our branch and church as well. Max totally opened him up and you could just see the excitement in Danyars eyes! It was so crazy! Max helped us out so much and now I am really excited to see how much progress he does!
Our family that we are teaching is doing really good too! I don't know if you could say that we had a ton of success with them this week but we did get the husband to say that if he received an answer in his question to God that this church has the fullness of the truth then he would of course act on that answer. Lol so that is always a good thing! They are an amazing family and are so spiritual!
Well this week has been yet another amazing week on the mission! Lol hopefully sometime I will have time to send some pictures and stuff lol I love you all! thank you for the love and support and I hope that you all have an amazing week!! Remember who you are!


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