Yesterday, we received Kenneth's first letter:
Dear Family,
I usually am not aloud to write until Tuesdays, but because it's my first day they let us. Well... in complete honesty the only things that have not been completely great so far are that I lost my name tag and my orientation card. AKA FOOD CARD. Other than that the first day has been awesome!
Dad would love to know that my MTC companion is Elder Brown...the one kid that dad somehow knows. He seems like an awesome kid! He has a strong testimony and I can feel his spirit when he talks about his reasons for being on a mission. He loves sports and is very normal so I think we will get along great!
The first day here is all about getting used to MTC life. We have not learned any Russian, but tomorrow we start right up with that.
I had to pause in the middle of this letter because it was lights out, so it is now Thursday.
Things were a bit more rough today. We started with Russian and got all the way to baring our testimonies. I can already read Russian, but it is very difficult.
Today I was made Senior Companion over my companionship with Elder Brown.
Life is moving so fast I can barely keep up.
Today I received my very first blessing and answer to my prayers. It was really rough in class and I felt like everyone in my district was ahead of me. I felt overwhelmed.
I met with someone in my Branch President, and surprise surprise he know Dad and Tab... Dave Wilkey says Hi to both of you. When I found out he knew my dad I felt so calm and peaceful. My headache slowly disappeared. When I told him of my overwhelmed feelings he left me with a blessing and promise that my feelings would leave with my promise to 100% commitment.
I am nervous of course, but I am doing better. Pray for me and Elder Brown!
I can't write for long. Sorry, I don't have time. I have a strict schedule. But ask questions and my first e-mail will come Tuesday. Send me letters!! I love you all! You mean the world to me! I can't wait to hear from you!
Elder Kenneth Rone Weihing
PS-Sorry mom, I told you I would explain details. But just ask me when you write
PPS-My estimate departure from the MTC is December 28th
Ha maybe Kenneth will meet someone in Russia that knows dad! j/k. I'm sure it has helped Kenneth to have a comp that is some tie to home, even if only a little. And a branch pres that knows dad! It's a small world. Sounds like he is doing great though! I will get my letter out tomorrow. Post the pics of us droping him off Shell.